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This section covers various things that make me laugh, which I've collected over the years from books, websites, TV programs and radio. I hope you enjoy them too...

Insurance Claim Quotes Kids Quotes CV Gaffes
Words To Live By Losing Something in Translation? I Wonder...
Definitions The Parents Dictionary Men's Thoughts About Women
Air Force Maintenance Silly Signs "Colemanballs"
Employee Performance Social Security Requests Don't You Just Hate it When...
Useful Put-Downs Alternative Dictionary Writing Tips

Social Security Requests

These are all supposedly genuine extracts from request forms and letter to Social Services.

  • Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces
  • I want some repairs doing to my cooker as it backfired and burnt my knob off
  • The toilet is blocked and we can't bath the children until it is cleared
  • The man next door has a large erection in his back garden which is unsightly and dangerous
  • Our kitchen floor is very damp and we have two children and we would like a third so will you please send somebody round to do something about it
  • I am pleased to inform you that my husband, who was reported missing, is dead
  • Sir, I am forwarding my marriage certificate and two children - one of which is a mistake as you will see
  • My husband is diabetic and has to take insolence regular but he finds he is lethargic to it
  • In accordance with your instructions I have given birth to twins in the enclosed envelope
  • I am very annoyed to find you have branded my son illiterate. This is a lie as I married his father a week before he was born
  • I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage
  • The toilet seat is cracked - where do I stand?