
Lottery Odds


In Association with Amazon.co.uk

and welcome to KnightOwl's Nest. I originally created the site just for my own use, as a place to try out my early efforts at writing Javascript and php, but when Dave started to work on his homepage back in 2004, I decided to make mine a bit more presentable too. And a bit more purple.

Since then it's changed around a bit, and is now just a fairly random collection of stuff I'm interested in.

I'm a huge fan of Scottish tennis player Andy Murray, and have recently become a webmaster/moderator on a fan forum aimed at supporting Andy, and his brother Jamie, and generally discussing all things tennis and anything else which crops up - check out the Andy Murray Fan Forum for more information.

is one of our main hobbies - sort of like a treasure hunt for technophiles. There are more than 67,000 caches hidden across the UK, and 1.2 million active caches around the world, hidden in over 100 coutries and all 7 continents - including Antarctica!. The idea is that you find the location of a nearby cache from www.geocaching.com then you set off with your trusty GPS device, and basically dig around in the undergrowth til you find it. Trust me. It's more fun than it sounds!

Our stats so far...click for diary

the Vampire Slayer - a page dedicated to the best TV show ever...

In June 2005 I took part in the annual Tesco Race for Life for the first time, an event where women from around the UK gather together at over 160 venues to run, jog or walk 5km in aid of Cancer Research. Although I did quite a bit of training in the weeks leading up to the race, I found it pretty tough on the day as I was suffering from a stomach bug - however, I still managed to run much more than I walked, so I was reasonably pleased about it - though I'd love to know how much better I might have done if I hadn't been ill. I'm proud to have raised �276 in this worthy cause (a total of �353 including Gift Aid!) and hope to take part again next year. Huge thanks to the many friends who sponsored me - if you do so again next time, I promise to run every inch!

ever wondered what your chances of winning actually are? Well, my JavaScript Lottery Odds Calculator might help you decide whether to risk your quid or not...

  • 01-Oct-2011 - Added Andy Murray Fan Forum details.
  • 14-Oct-2010 - Amended homepage wording as it was waaaay out of date!
  • 10-Apr-2007 - Added Geocaching page.
  • 08-Apr-2007 - Removed guestbook due to spam, and added Links page.
  • 10-Nov-2005 - Added Writing Tips to Funnies.
  • 08-Apr-2005 - Added Race For Life sponsorship page.
  • 30-Oct-2004 - Added Film Quotes page.
  • 18-Apr-2004 - Added Life's Like That to Funnies.
  • 11-Oct-2003 - Added Colemanballs to Funnies.
  • 13-Dec-2002 - Added first draft of Funnies section, more to follow...
  • 20-Oct-2002 - Re-wrote Guestbook to use PHP with MySQL, so it's now interactive!
  • 11-Oct-2002 - New web host, tweaked background colours
  • 26-Aug-2002 - Moved the lottery stuff to a separate page, and added a new title page
  • 18-Aug-2002 - Improved owl logo and title text, redesigned look and feel